Electronic Giving (Per Transaction Fee)

Please note.  A per transaction fee of 2.75% is placed on these transactions because this option uses your credit card.  If you wish to donate to the church without a per transaction fee, please submit the online form to have your donation taken direction from your checking of savings account at this link.

These are the options you may choose from when you make your donation:

GENERAL OPERATING - The general operating account/fund.  All unrestricted resources are received in this fund, but may be "designated for a specific use" at a later date by the Voter's Assembly, or by an operating Board appropriately authorized by the Voter's Assembly.

BUILDING - A fund used to account for the receipt of donor gifts and other revenues required to be used for the acquisition (construction/ purchase, etc.) of general capital assets, and for improvement projects related to capital assets.

LOVE - The Love Fund is a fund used to account for the receipt of donor gifts, and other revenues required to be used to provide grants/assistance to employees, congregation members, and community members in time of financial stress. 

FAITH LUTHERAN ENDOWMENT BLESSINGS OF FAITH - 15%  goes to missions.  15% goes to a seminary student.  70% goes to special projects.

FAITH LUTHERAN ENDOWMENT GENERATIONS OF FAITH - 100% goes to general operations.

FAITH LUTHERAN ENDOWMENT FOUNDATIONS OF FAITH - 100% goes to buildings and grounds.

FAITH LUTHERAN ENDOWMENT FUTURE OF FAITH - 100% goes to Christian education.




Welcome to Vanco Mobile Faith App

Vanco has an upgraded mobile app! Vanco, our eGiving provider, has launched an updated mobile app called Vanco Mobile.

This new mobile app replaces GivePlus Mobile. With Vanco Mobile, you can send one-time donations or set recurring gifts.

How Do You Download Vanco Mobile?

It’s easy! Head over to the App Store or Google Play to download Vanco Mobile for free. Be sure to download this app soon, as GivePlus Mobile will be retired on January 31, 2022.

To give using Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement, follow these five easy steps:

1.     Search for our church by name - Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church

2.     Select your gift amount, fund and frequency.

3.     Enter your payment method. (You can save this information for future use!)

4.     Choose whether you want to cover processing fees.

5.     Click Submit to complete your donation.

You can also check out this Vanco Mobile How-To Guide for step-by-step instructions. 

NOTEMembers and visitors can search “Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement” in The App Store or Google Play to quickly find and download the app.

Apple itunes icon google playstore icon

Bible Studies

Get connected with others in our church! Our schedule can be found here:

View our bible studies

Serving With Us

We are always looking for people to help on service projects or even with Sunday service.

Volunteer with us!

Service Times

Sunday at 8:30am and 11:00am
Wednesday at 7:00pm

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

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