| Mexico Mission Trip Through Ysleta Lutheran Mission A group of twelve from Faith Lutheran spent a week serving and sharing the Gospel to those in El Paso and Juarez. Faith Lutheran members opened their hearts and pocketbooks to provide resources necessary for the the team to build a house for a homeless family in Juarez, to hand out over 1,000 Bibles and tracts to people in Juarez and El Paso, to distribute 140 t-shirts and 140 dresses made by Faith's LWML, and to give a generous donation to the Ysleta Lutheran Mission. We thank God for the seeds for Christ that were planted and we know He will give them growth in accordance with His plan. The team arrived in El Paso Saturday, May 26th, 2018 and were given a friendly introduction from Pastor Karl Heimer, the servant who God gave the vision to begin the Ysleta Lutheran Mission in 1982. The Ysleta Mission statement is: “We labor to see…God’s people working together, providing relief to the suffering, encouraging and equipping missions, instilling health and opportunity, and reaching the spiritually lost with the good news of Christ on both sides of the U.S./Mexico border.” The mission team was so impressed by the hard working, sincere, God loving people who, by the grace of God, make this vision happen each day, week, month, and year. Please check out their website and consider becoming a monthly giving partner to this God honoring real-service mission: ylm.org. |
 | Corned Beef and Cabbage Mexico Mission Trip We had a wonderful time having fellowship and food together while supporting those traveling in May 2018 to Mexico to share the Gospel and build houses. Please notify the church if you have any Spring work projects for the group. |
 | 2014 Confirmation Confirmation is a public rite of the church preceded by a period of instruction designed to help baptized Christians identify with the life and mission of the Christian community. Prior to admission to the Lord’s Supper, it is necessary to be instructed in the Christian faith (1 Cor. 11:28). The rite of confirmation provides an opportunity for the individual Christian, relying on God’s promises given in Holy Baptism, to make a personal public confession of the faith and lifelong pledge of fidelity to Christ. Catechumens are instructed in the Six Chief Articles of Luther’s Small Catechism: The Ten Commandments, Holy Baptism, The Creed, The Office of the Keys,The Lord’s Prayer, and The Lord’s Supper. Following instruction and examination, catechumens are received into communicant membership by the Rite of Confirmation. |
 | Pastor Urbach Honored Pastor Brad Urbach led the House of Representatives in prayer on March 31, the final day of the 2014 South Dakota Legislative Session. The House then surprised Pastor Urbach by honoring him for 39 years of faithful service as a chaplain to the South Dakota Legislature. Rep. Tim Rounds offered remarks of thanks, then presented a plaque to Pastor Urbach. The plaque is adorned with an egg, a nod to Pastor Urbach”s extensive collection of eggs from all over the world. Representatives Mary Duvall and Tim Rounds, both of Pierre, planned the recognition, and took a moment at the conclusion of the day to thank Pastor Urbach for nearly four decades of service to the Legislature. |
 | Food Pantry Mission It was floor-to-ceiling with mission projects at Faith Lutheran in March. The congregation brought 2,265 pounds of nonperishable food, soap and paper products for the Pierre-Ft. Pierre Food Pantry. The items were sorted, boxed and labeled, then were loaded up and delivered to the Pantry on Friday, April 4. At the same time, pillow cases were being turned into dresses as part of Faith's annual Dresses for Africa project. The dresses were displayed in the Narthex until being shipped to Africa in April. |
 | Palm Sunday 2014 Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week, "The best week of your life," as Pastor Brad Urbach said during the Children's Sermon. Each person in attendance at the Palm Sunday services received a palm cross, the children enthusiastically raised their voices in song, and the congregation welcomed a large group of new members. Indeed, a joyful way to begin the journey of Holy Week! |
 | Ash Wednesday 2014 Hundreds of people filled the Sanctuary at Faith Lutheran for worship services the evening of Ash Wednesday to begin observance of the season of Lent. 2014 Lenten Worship Services will be held at 11 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. each Wednesday through April 9. The Holy Week schedule leading up to Easter includes Palm Sunday services at 8:20 and 11:00 a.m. on April 13; a Passover Meal at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, April 14; Maundy Thursday Services at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 17; and a baked potato dinner, songfest and worship service on Good Friday, April 18. We joyfully celebrate the Resurrection on Easter morning by coming together for an Easter Breakfast at 9:30 a.m. in the Christian Family Life Center; and Easter Worship Services at 8:20 and 11:00 a.m. |
 | 2013 Childrens Christmas Programs The Preschool through 4th graders and the 4th - 8th graders both had their Christmas Programs Sunday, December 15. The youth also had made Kuchen and many people took some home. |
 | Community Banquet Served by Faith Lutheran Church Faith's Board of Elders and other members of the congregation served a delicious scalloped potato meal at the Community Banquet on May 23rd. The Banquet is served at Southeast United Methodist Church every Thursday throughout the year. Each week, a different volunteer group prepares and serves a hot meal at the Community Banquet, providing free nourishment and fellowship for all who want to partake. Faith's Board of Elders dished up an estimated 225 meals with a smile and a warm greeting. Most meals are eaten on the spot, but many people also took extra portions home to eat later, or to share with homebound friends and relatives. |
 | Living Last Supper A LIVING LAST SUPPER On Palm Sunday evening, March 24, at 6:30, the congregation and community gathered to attend a dramatic musical experience presented by Faith Choir and the Board of Elders. Known as The Living Last Supper, it was a living reenactment of the famous painting by Leonardo DaVinci. On this night we reflected upon and remembered the events of long ago in the upper room, where Jesus gathered with his closest companions. This is where Jesus ate one final meal with his disciples on the eve of his crucifixion, and was betrayed by one of his own. The story presented was a story of the Twelve, pieced together from Scripture, from history, and from the tradition that has been handed down from the beginning of the church. We heard from each of the disciples and listened to the story from their perspective. The speaking parts were meant to allow us to hear the inner thoughts of each man. The choir offered several inspirational anthems that allowed all to ponder upon our own relationship with Christ. Following the presentation, there was opportunity for gathering and light refreshments. |
 | Palm Sunday 2013 Palm Sunday presented a day of Faith Lutheran children singing Hosanna!, a word of adoration or praise and also meaning Save Us Now. The children sang with happiness and excitement. Pastor Urbach also had a special Children's Sermon. Many Palm Crosses were lovingly created by women of Faith. All who worshiped received a Palm Cross pinned to their lapels. |
 | LCMS Bible Bowl 2013 We had a great time at Bible Bowl Saturday, March 23, at Faith. Teams, made up of students in grades 6 through 12, came from throughout South Dakota to compete about Bible facts and have fun. Teams had studied and were ready to show what they knew. At the end of the day, everyone had the opportunity to push their knowledge to the limit. The Faith Lutheran Team, comprised of Samuel Ryckman, Nate Hill, Cassandra Ryckman, and Ethan Hill, took home the trophy for the B division. The team was coached by LeRoy Kropuenske. The Bible Bowl is held annually at Faith and is managed and coordinated by Pastor Matthew Nix, Christ and Trinity Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls. |
 | Pastor Joshua Baumanns Ordination/Installation Joshua J. Baumann was ordained and installed July 15, 2012.
Participating in the service were: Participating in the service were: The Preacher Reverend Paul Krueger, Senior Pastor Our Savior Lutheran Church, Minot, North Dakota The Ordinator Reverend Dale Sattgast, President South Dakota District LCMS The Liturgist Reverend Brad Urbach, Senior Pastor Faith Ev. Lutheran Church Pierre, South Dakota The Lectors Reverend Daniel Tews Emmanuel Lutheran Church – Gettysburg, SD St. Paul Lutheran Church – Seneca, SD Christ Lutheran Church – Lebanon, SD Reverend Ray Greenseth Messiah Lutheran – Murdo, South Dakota St. Paul Lutheran – Draper, South Dakota Reverend Glenn Denke St. John Lutheran – Norris, South Dakota St. Peter Lutheran – Midland, South Dakota Pastoral Participants Area Pastors of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod The Crucifier Wylin Baker The Torch Bearers Ethan Leif Devin Kampfe The Acolytes Samuel Ryckman Cade Larson The Organist Jeanne Schweigert The Pianist Jodi Hartmann |
 | 2012 Hong Kong Mission Trip During the days of February 16-26, 2012, our third team of mercy and witness were led to Hong Kong. |
 | 2011 Christmas Program 4-8 Grades The 2011 Christmas program for grades 4-8 was held at 4:00 PM Sunday, December 18. "Light A Candle" |
 | 2011 Christmas Program N-3 Grades The N-3 Christmas Program was held Sunday, December 18, at 11:00. "Jesus, God's Greatest Gift" |
 | Urbach Family Memorial Garden The Urbach Family Memorial Garden is a beautiful little garden which welcomes visitors on the Grand Avenue side of Faith Lutheran Church. See Memorial Garden for more information on the Urbach Family Memorial Garden. |
 | Vacation Bible School 2011 This year our VBS BIG JUNGLE ADVENTURE dates were Sunday, June 12 through Thursday, June 16 from 6:00-8:30 p.m. Thank-you parents for bringing your children and thank-you children for a wonderful week! God Bless You. |
 | Dedication of the Good Shepherd Window The Good Shepherd window from St. John's Lutheran Church, Agar, was dedicated Sunday, February 6, 2011. The Good Shepherd Window was given to Faith by Harold & Delia Mundt of St. John in Agar. |
 | Farewell Pastor Willms and Family On February 6, 2011, Faith Lutheran bid a warm and loving farewell to Pastor Willms, Jessica, Adalyn and Carsten. The Lord has led Pastor Willms to accept the call as Senior Pastor at Bethany Lutheran Church in KauKauna, Wisconsin. |
 | Hong Kong Student Visitors July 2 - 5, Faith Lutheran bid warm-hearted open arms to 18 students and two of their teachers, Charles & Ivan, that visited from the Lutheran Church Hong Kong Synod High School. The Hong Kong Lutheran Synod is an LCMS partner church and this was the first-ever International Student Exchange for them. |
 | Celebrate The Journey Sunday, August 9, 2009, Faith Lutheran and friends enjoyed a day of celebration and thanksgiving to God for Pastor Brad Urbach. The event was to mark Pastor's 35th year of working among the congregation at Faith and also to celebrate Pastor's 65th birthday. In honor or these events, for the morning worship services, guest Pastor Duley of Zion Lutheran in Rapid City was the Liturgist and guest Pastor Paul Strand of Trinity Lutheran Church, Tinley Park, IL. presented the message - "Let Your Light So Shine" . Following the worship service was a reception where Pastor Urbach was presented with gifts of gratitude. The afternoon program at 4:00 was filled with laughter, enjoyment and fond memories. This was folllowed by a "Block Party", where all enjoyed burgers and brats and plenty of salads and desserts. |
 | Christrian Life Center Building Pictures of the building progress. |
 | VBS, 6.4.2009 Vacation Bible School was held the first week in June. This was our closing program with the Captive Free band. |
 | Groundbreaking Event 05.03.2009 It was a hoedown of a day. Thank you to all the committees and volunteers. Our next Celebration will be in our own 'tent'. |
 | Brat + Burger Feed 08.04.2008 The weather was perfect and the food delicious when members of the congregation, neighbors, and friends gathered under a big tent for the annual Brat and Burger Feed. The Board of Parish Fellowship cooked and served burgers, brats and hot dogs, and members of the congregation brought a scrumptious array of salads and desserts. There was a play area for kids supervised by LYF members, Joyce Solem was recognized for her service as Director of the Faith Lutheran Daycare, and Jacob Shoup finished the evening with beautiful songs of praise, many of which he composed. All in all - a wonderful summer evening for the Faith Family! |
 | Jacob Shoup Concert 6.22.2008 Jacob Shoup, a talented musician from our congregation, performed a concert filled with beautiful Christian music to raise funds for a Faith Lutheran LYF mission trip to Mexico. The concert, included many of Jacob’s own compositions, raised nearly $700 for the LYF trip. |
 | Installation of Officers, 6.1.2008 Church officers for 2008-2009 were installed at the June 1 services. |
 | Captive Free 06.01.2008 Captive Free performed and presented the childrens&squot; message during both worship services. The group, including singers and musicians from throughout the United States and Denmark, also participated in Vacation Bible School activities throughout the following week. |
 | First Anniversary of BTIF, 5.4.2008 The congregation of Faith went "hog wild" in celebration of the first anniversary of the three-year Building Together in Faith (BTIF) campaign. |
 | Food Drive 03.21.2008 A total of 2,011 food items and paper products were donated to the Pierre/Ft. Pierre Food Pantry by the congregation of Faith Lutheran during the month of March - marking the first time the congregation has topped the 2,000 mark. The items were brought to the church, where they were sorted, boxed, and labeled. Youth and adult volunteers from the congregation delivered 121 boxes of donated food and paper products to the Food Pantry on Good Friday. |