ACH Giving (No Per Transaction Fee)

Please complete this form to submit your giving by ACH.  There is no per transaction fee for this option.  Thank you for your faithfulness.

Invalid Submission Values

    Please identify fund name and amount. For example General Fund, Building Fund, Love Fund, Contingency Fund, Daycare, Preschool.
    I would like to make the following contributions:

    Example: 1,000.50

    Example: ##/##/####

    Frequency of Contribution (required)
    Please debit my (required)
    By checking this box, you authorize Faith Lutheran Church, Pierre, and Vanco Services to process debit entries to the above account. I understand that this authority will remain in effect until I provide reasonable notification to terminate the authorization.
    I authorize the above (required)

    Bible Studies

    Get connected with others in our church! Our schedule can be found here:

    View our bible studies

    Serving With Us

    We are always looking for people to help on service projects or even with Sunday service.

    Volunteer with us!

    Service Times

    Sunday at 8:30am and 11:00am
    Wednesday at 7:00pm

    The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

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