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The County Fair
LWML Country Fair
Saturday, October 15, 2011 at Faith Lutheran Church
Here’s how you can help us start getting ready for this fun bazaar
You layer ingredients in a pint or quart jar, then we’ll add some decorations and a tag that tells the buyer how to use the ingredients to make bars or cookies or soup.
Instructions can be found on the Country Fair table in the Narthex. For information, contact Jane Braley at 945-0456, or email
NOTE: Recipes in a Jar need to be returned to the church by Monday, September 26.
Here are some of the things we need for making gift baskets:
-clean, gently-used small and medium sized baskets
-cups and soup mugs
-kitchen utensils, particularly wooden spoons, ladles, measuring cups, measuring spoons, and spatulas
-potholders and dish towels
-decorative memo pads & notepads
-cloth napkins in all colors
-votive candles in all colors - green is particularly needed
-small seasonal serving plates (about 4 to 6 inches across)
-wire ribbon in all colors - particularly solid green, solid blue, and blue patterns
-shredded raffia, especially brown, cream, black, white and red. (Plastic Easter basket grass is not needed)
-clear cellophane wrap
-tissue paper in all colors
-heavy paper for basket filler
Gift Basket Assembly will be on Saturday, October 1. For information, contact Julie Linn at 224-0175.
Note: Items may be left in the coat closet in the Narthex. Be sure to label them “For Gift Baskets”.
We need all kinds of arts and crafts for the Crafts Booth, so why not start on some projects now.
Crafts may be placed in the coat closet in the Nathex. Be sure to label it “For Crafts Booth”. (It is helpful if you place a suggested price on the items).
Be sure to set aside a few things from your garden for the Produce Booth. (Beets and carrots were popular last year).
If you do any canning, we’d love to have some of your goodies for this booth. Popular items include: Jelly & jam (we’ve had requests for strawberry rhubarb jam) — Apple butter — Pickles — Sauces — Salsa — Dilly beans — Piccalilli — etc. Last year, home-collected honey was a hit.
Have some collectible items you’re thinking of getting rid of? Our Collectibles Booth would love to have them. We’ll sell collectible figurines, toys and antiques. Please label them “Collectibles”, and include your name and suggested price. Leave in the coat closet in the Narthex.
Doing some cleaning out? Bring good quality used rummage sale-type items for us to sell in the “Grandma’s Attic” booth, such as seasonal decorations and other home decor, jewelry, tools, dishes and kitchen utensils, Halloween costumes, books, plants, wall hangings, and other items. No clothing, please. Please mark your items “Country Fair/Attic”
Why not start baking now and freeze those special treats so you’re all set for Country Fair. Last year, we ran short on cookies - so all you cookie bakers, get your ovens cranked up!