Lutheran Youth Fellowship and Junior Youth Members
The purpose of the youth ministry programs at Faith is to:
- Strengthen, build up, and encourage one another in the Body of Christ.
- Recognize and nurture God-given gifts and abilities.
- Foster Christian stewardship of time, talents, and resources in all areas of ministry.
- Foster fellowship and community with others, and to develop an attitude of service to and caring for all humanity.
- Deepen our relationship in the Triune God, and to examine and apply that relationship as it relates to our daily lives.
Junior Youth Members - This group is made up youth in grades 6 through 8. JYM meets at least once a month for events consisting of fun nights, lock-ins, bible studies, hay rides, ski trips and other fun fellowship activities.
Lutheran Youth Fellowship - This group is made up of all confirmed youth in grades 9 through 12. LYF meets at least twice a month for events consisting of retreats, athletic events, service projects, and several major outings.