Category: News

Sunday Morning Worship - 11/12/2017

Saturday, November 11, 2017

The final three weeks of the Church Year are traditionally concerned with “the last things.” The lessons of the Church bring a special opportunity to reflect on the end of time and on the end of our earthly lives. In the Apostles’ Creed, we affirm our belief in the resurrection of the body, which is God’s good but temporary gift to us while we are living on earth. With all who have died in the faith before us, we await the coming of the Lord. Paul writes, “We shall all be changed.” Our faithful worship helps us prepare for that glorious event!

Please join us for Sunday worship at 8:20 AM or 11:00 AM.  Pastor Joshua Baumann's message is titled “A Day Unlike Any Other” based on Matthew 25:13.

Sunday's bulletin can be found at this Bulletins Link.


Clothing and Book Drive for Rosebud

Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Board of Missions & Evangelism requests your help!  We will be taking clothing and books to Rosebud Reservation.  We will have boxes set up in November in the narthex to put items in if you wish to donate.  We will take gently used books and clothing but request that the clothing be clean.  If you have any questions please speak to a member of the Board of Missions & Evangelism: Justin Bell, Dodie Hardy, Dennis Ryckman, Lindsey Schilling, Norma Schilling, Bob Green, Melissa Neyhart, Debra Ramquist, or Carlene Barber.  Deadline to have items turned in is November 30th.  Thank you!

CategoriesEvents, News

Sunday Morning Worship - 11/05/2017

Friday, November 3, 2017

You are not alone—never have been, never will be! In His faithfulness to you, your heavenly Father has promised to never leave you nor forsake you! As you gather in His name on this All Saints’ Sunday, the triune God fills you with His presence through His Word and through the body and blood of Christ in Holy Communion. In a mysterious way, this fellowship you have with God also unites you to all believers of every time and place. That’s what you confess when you say you believe “in the communion of saints.” You are not alone! You are a member of the Body of Christ! You are part of a community that is eternally blessed by Jesus and lives to confess His name before the world!

Please join us for Sunday worship at 8:20 AM or 11:00 AM.  Pastor Cory J. Rajek's message is titled “Blessed?  You Bet!” based on Matthew 5:1-12.

Sunday's bulletin can be found at this Bulletins Link.


Reformation Day Worship - 10/29/2017

Friday, October 27, 2017

“It’s still all about Jesus.” It was all about Jesus when the Lord God first promised a Savior to Adam, Eve, and their descendants. It was all about Jesus with every foretelling of the coming Christ by Old Testament prophets. It was all about Jesus at the manger, the cross, and the empty tomb. It was all about Jesus as the apostle Paul penned, “We hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law” (Romans 3:28). It was all about Jesus when Martin Luther posted his Ninety-Five Theses on October 31, 1517. It’s still all about Jesus today as we receive the Means of Grace—Word and Sacrament. It will be all about Jesus when He returns in glory on the Last Day. As we observe the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, we celebrate that it always has been, and always will be, all about Jesus!

Preaching 10/29/2017 at the 8:20 and 11:00 am services is Rev. Stephen Heimer, Mariachi San Pablo. Rev. Heimer is 39 years old and is the pastor of Zion Lutheran Church in El Paso and Chief Operating Officer of YLM Human Care. With a Bachelor of Arts degree in K-12 Music Education and a Master of Arts in Theology in Culture, he is co-founder of Mariachi San Pablo and Adelante Ministries (2001). He is an alumni of Concordia Seminary and the Cross-Cultural Ministry Center of Concordia University California. Reverend Joshua Baumann, our Associate Pastor, is our Liturgist.

The morning sermon is titled “Christ Exulted in All the Earth” and is based on Psalm 46. 

REFORMATION - John 8:31–36 (Oct. 31)
“Regardless of how terrified the Christian is by the Law and how much he acknowledges his sin, he does not despair; for he believes in Christ into whom he has been baptized and through whom he has the forgiveness of sins. Now if our sin has been forgiven through Christ Himself ... we have become free by the deliverance of the Son.” LW 26:447  -Luther
Please join us also for a special Reformation service in the afternoon at 3:00 pm and for the meal following. 

Sunday's bulletin can be found at this Bulletins Link.


Sunday Morning Worship - 10/22/2017

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Our God rules the lives of His faith-filled people by grace for Jesus’ sake. It’s what we pray for in the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy kingdom come.” The Lutheran Confessions call this His kingdom of the right hand. But, on the other hand, the left, He also rules through civic authorities. Through Isaiah, He tells King Cyrus that he will be His servant. And the king did let the Jewish exiles return from Babylon! When Jesus’ opponents thought to trick Him in saying something against Caesar, He taught about giving the powers that be their due. When the Church in Thessalonica spread the Gospel, they certainly benefitted from the orderliness of the Roman Empire. On the one hand, God is to be thanked for His grace and mercy; on the other hand, we praise Him for using the government that we may enjoy the physical life He gives us.

Please join us for Sunday worship at 8:20 AM or 11:00 AM.  Pastor Cory J. Rajek's message is titled “My Name is Cyrus” based on Isaiah 45:1-7.

Sunday's bulletin can be found at this Bulletins Link.


Sunday Morning Worship - 10/15/2017

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Whenever we come together for the Lord’s Supper, we anticipate the eternal worship of heaven, which the Bible compares to a wedding feast. The Sacrament is a foretaste of the feast to come. God invited His people through the prophets. The description of that Meal includes seeing God face-to-face. In today’s Gospel, Jesus again extends the invitation through His parable, but He notes the varying responses it receives. Paul leads us to respond with rejoicing. Knowing that the eternal feast is ready, we may be content in all circumstances.

Please join us for Sunday worship at 8:20 AM or 11:00 AM.  Pastor Joshua Baumann's message is titled “A Feast Fit for a....” based on St. Matthew 22:8-9.

Sunday's bulletin can be found at this Bulletins Link.


Sunday Morning Worship - 10/1/2017

Saturday, September 30, 2017

This year marks two significant anniversaries: the 500th anniversary of Luther’s posting of the 95 Theses and the 75th anniversary of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. Confessing the faith has not gotten any easier since these two events occurred. In fact, it may be more difficult to speak and to live as Christians now – and the future may be even more challenging. Yet God is faithful and has promised that His church will survive all the trials that the devil, the world, and our own sinful flesh can throw at us. Building on God’s promises, we know that this is our time to be distinctly Lutheran. Since 1942, the LWML has affirmed each woman’s identity as a child of God and her relationship with Jesus Christ, encouraged and equipped Christian women to live out their lives in active mission ministries, and supported missions around the world through their sacrificial gifts of mites, tithes, offerings, and tireless service. Now is our time to “Be Ready to Confess!” faithfully and boldly of Christ’s redemptive work for us and for all the world.

Please join us for Sunday worship at 8:20 AM or 11:00 AM.  Pastor Cory J. Rajek's message is titled “Changing Our (His) Mind” based on St. Matthew 21:28-32.

Sunday's bulletin can be found at this Bulletins Link.


Sunday Morning Worship - 9/24/17

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Our reward for being called to work in God’s kingdom does not change based on how long we have been in our Lord’s service. After all, we are saved by grace through faith, not by works. Isaiah’s call for the wicked and unrighteous to return to the Lord shows God’s immense compassion for all people, no matter when they return to Him. God’s ways are not our ways, yet we continue to work in His kingdom until He calls us when we die. Paul is struggled with a desire to depart and be with Christ and a desire to go on living and laboring for the Lord. Death and life contend, but Paul knows life will win. He knows that Jesus will return, raise the dead, and dwell with them forever.

Please join us for Sunday worship at 8:20 AM or 11:00 AM.  Pastor Joshua Baumann's message is titled “Forgiveness - Part 2: The God of Compassion” based on St. Matthew 18:32-33.

Sunday's bulletin can be found at this Bulletins Link.


Sunday Morning Worship - 9/17/2017

Friday, September 15, 2017
In one well-known Collect of the Church, we pray that the Lord would be with us as we are called to “ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown.” Certainly Martin Luther must have had the sense of unending ventures, untrodden paths, and unknown perils as he brought the focus of the Church back to the proclamation of the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ in the sixteenth century. It is a blessing to be able to look back to those times and “travel” with Luther and other servants of God from that era. Discovering a deeper appreciation of how they went out with good courage, assured that the hand of God was leading them and God’s love was supporting them, can encourage us on our journeys of faith in our times. May we be blessed on our journeys!

Please join us for Sunday worship at 8:20 AM or 11:00 AM.  Pastor Joshua Baumann's message is titled “Forgiveness Full & Free - Now What Does that Mean for Me?” based on St. Matthew 18:32-33.

Sunday's bulletin can be found at this Bulletins Link.



Sunday Morning Worship - 9/10/2017

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). It is of great comfort that almighty God treats us as His dear children. As the hymn says, although “He knows how frail our powers,” still “His grace remains forever” and “His rule is over all” (LSB 820:3–4). Yet while we rejoice in God’s tender mercy for us, today’s Readings remind us that God intends that same mercy for those around us, our family, our own children, and our brothers and sisters of the household of God. As John said, “Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another” (1 John 4:11). In other words, we who have received mercy are the very channels and messengers of that same mercy to others. We renounce disgraceful ways that allow sin to drag either ourselves or others down, and we bring God’s merciful forgiveness of sins to everyone.

Please join us for Sunday worship at 8:20 AM or 11:00 AM.  Pastor Cory J. Rajek's message is titled “A Childlike Faith” based on Matthew 18:1-20.

Sunday's bulletin can be found at this Bulletins Link.


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