Message from Board of Elders - Senior Pastor Call

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

As we continue our journey to filling the Senior Pastor vacancy, questions have been raised as to the process. The information below is from the current Bylaws Governing Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church Unaltered Augsburg Confession:

1.05 Provisions Pertaining to Called Professional Church Workers

1. Right of Calling
The right of calling pastors, professional Christian Day School Teachers, Directors of Christian Education, and other professional church workers shall be vested in the Voters’ Assembly, and shall never be delegated to a smaller body or to an individual.

The names of candidates for office of pastor shall be submitted by the Board of Elders to the Voters’ Assembly. Any voter is entitled to make additional nominations from the floor. Only the names of ministers of religion – ordained, who are members of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, may be submitted for nomination.
A period of time will be provided to the congregation by the Board of Elders for names from the Roster of Synod, to be submitted to the Board of Elders which will then be forwarded to the President of the South Dakota District.
(addresses Director of Christian Education)

Selection of Candidate
The selection of a candidate from the list of candidates chosen by the Voters’ Assembly shall be by ballot. The candidate receiving the majority of all votes cast shall be extended a call.

Only such candidates shall be called and elected to serve as pastors… who profess acceptance of, and pledge faithfully to adhere to, the Confessions set forth in the Articles of Incorporation, Article IV.

Consequently, the Board of Elders is calling for names of Pastors from the Roster of Synod from now until Noon on Tuesday, September 21, 2021. Names can be submitted to any of the Elders. If you have any questions, or concerns, please feel free to contact Neil Schochenmaier, Chairman of the Board of Elders at 605-222-3580 or nshocky at


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