Sunday Morning Worship - 8/6/2017
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Our trip through Romans today continues as Paul invites us to praise God for all of His gifts that come to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. Paul lists the gifts given to the Israelites: adoption, glory, covenants, the Law, worship, promises, and patriarchs. All of these gifts and more are ours through our Lord Jesus Christ, because most of us are Israelites not by flesh but by promise. So great are the gifts we receive in and through Christ that Paul expresses his distress that so many of his fellow kinsman would not believe it. He even says he would be willing to be cut off from Christ, if only his peers would welcome the ultimate gift, the Lord Jesus. Thanks be to God that, instead of Paul, Jesus was cut off even from the Father on the cross, in order to reconcile all people to Himself! Jesus gave the ultimate gift—His life—for the sake of all people. This is a gift that invites belief and grateful obedience. Thanks be to God!
Please join us for Sunday worship, August 6th, at 8:20 AM or 11:00 AM. Pastor Joshua Baumann's message is titled "Sustained by Christ" based on Matthew 14:19-20.
Sunday's bulletin can be found at this Bulletins Link.
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