This Week in Faith - Feb 13
Monday, February 13, 2023
Events This Week
5:00PM - Dartball practice (Jon's Place)
6:00PM - Pickleball (fellowship hall)
7:00PM - Little Dresses (Old Fellowship Hall)
10:30AM - Women's Bible Study (Office Conference Room)
6:00PM - Midweek and Bible study
7:00PM - Chapel service with communion
8:00PM - LYF youth group
7:00PM - Psalms Bible Study
8:30AM - Worship with communion
9:45-10:45AM - Sunday school and Bible study
11:00AM - Worship
2:00PM - Dance lessons (Fellowship Hall)
6:30PM - 1, 2, 3 John Bible study
Weekly Devotions
Hear about Jesus throughout the week. Pastor Sam has devotions on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Visit our Facebook or YouTube page to watch them and hear about our Lord's love for us.
Dartball Tournament Practice
Dartball practice begins tonight at 5PM and continues each Monday night until the tournament on March 4. Come be part of the Faith team as we compete with teams from around the state.
Little Dresses for Missions
The Little Dresses project begins tonight at 7PM in the Old Fellowship Hall. Come assemble dress kits. These kits will be available for people to take home and sew into beautiful dresses.
Jitterbug Dance Lessons
Come join us for our final dance lesson on Sunday, Feb 19 from 2-4PM. We'll review the last few lessons and learn a new way to dance.
Directory Photo Submission
If you were unable to get your picture taken during the photo sessions, you can submit a picture for our upcoming directory. Either email a picture to or stop by the church office (we can scan your picture and give it back to you).
Categories: Weekly News