This Week in Faith - Jan 31
Monday, January 31, 2022
Events this week:
10:30AM - Women's Bible study
6:00PM - Midweek
7:00PM - Chapel with communion
8:00PM - LYF youth group
8:30AM - Worship with communion
9:45AM - Bible study and Sunday school
11:00AM - Worship
4:00-7:00PM - Game Night
Online Church Calendar
We are using an online calendar to collect and share the events that happen at Faith. Look at our calendar here.
This has the same information as the printed calendar but may be updated as events are added during a month.
New Pastor Email
Pastor Sam has a new email address:
Please use this if you need to send him any emails. The old associate and senior pastor emails are no longer monitored.
Board/Card Game Night
Please join us on Sunday, Feb 6 from 4-7PM for a night of cards and board games. Bring a deck of cards or your favorite game. We'll enjoy an evening together as a family. Pizza is provided; bring a snack, drink, or dessert if you want.
Mexico Mission Team
The Mission team is preparing for another trip to build a home and share the good news of salvation in Jesus. The trip is May 21-28. We will be finalizing the team and making reservations soon, so please let us know if you are interested by the end of January. You can talk to Dennis or Carolyn Ryckman.
Little Dresses
The Little Dresses project is back this year. Please join us, donate, or take kits home to sew. You can drop off pillowcases or notions in the tote near the sanctuary. You can also come on Feb 20 from 1:30-3:30PM in the old fellowship hall downstairs to assemble kits. All dresses will be given to the Mexico mission team to distribute on their trip.
Categories: Weekly News