This Week in Faith - July 6 Edition

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Events this week:

Wednesday: 7:00PM - Worship with communion, 8:00PM - High school youth group
Friday: 7PM - Men's softball
Sunday: 8:30AM - Worship, 11:00AM - Worship with communion

Daily Devotions

Hear about Jesus every day. Pastors Cory and Sam provide devotional thoughts each day of the week. Visit our Facebook or YouTube page.

Farewell and Godspeed to Pastor Cory

Pastor Cory has accepted his call to serve as theological educator at Luther Academy of Latvia. This is his last week with us at Faith. Please stop by to wish him God's blessings.

Scavenger Hunt

Please join us for a Scavenger Hunt on July 21 from 7-9PM. The Hunt begins at church, where each family will receive a clue sheet. From there, you will drive to several locations around Pierre. At each stop, the kids will receive a treat and the family will get a Bible story to share. Then you can return to church for root beer floats.

LWML National Convention Projects

Please read this letter for the summaries from the LWML national convention in Lexington, Kentucky. It includes the projects for the current biennium.

Facilities Administrator Applicants Needed

Our current property manager, Michael Hernandez, is leaving us to move closer to family in California. We appreciate the work that Michael has done for us and are sad to see him go. We are open for applicants to fill this position. The job description and application form are available on our website:

Day Care Applicants Needed

We are seeking applicants for positions in our daycare. If you are a caring and loving individual who wants to raise a new generation, please consider applying. The application form is available on our website:


Categories: Weekly News

Bible Studies

Get connected with others in our church! Our schedule can be found here:

View our bible studies

Serving With Us

We are always looking for people to help on service projects or even with Sunday service.

Volunteer with us!

Service Times

Sunday at 8:30am and 11:00am
Wednesday at 7:00pm

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

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