This Week in Faith - Nov 8
Monday, November 8, 2021
Events this week:
6:00-9:00PM - Adult Inquirer's Class (Young conference room)
7:00PM - Men's Club
7:00PM - LWML
10:30AM - Women's Bible study
6:00PM - Midweek and Adult Bible Study
7:00PM - Chapel
7:30 - High school Bible study
8:00PM - High School youth group
7:00PM - Faith circle meeting
8:30AM - Worship
9:45AM - Bible study and Sunday School
11:00AM - Worship with communion
Daily Devotions
Hear about Jesus during the week. Pastor Sam provides devotional thoughts throughout the week. Visit our Facebook or YouTube page.
Rent a Worker
The mission group traveling to Mexico next Spring would like to help you with all your projects. They can do yard work, mowing, tiling garden, leaves, snow removal, weed eating, house cleaning, tree trimming, rain gutters, windows, baking, errands like grocery shopping, painting, sewing, repairs, building, child care, animal care, planting, cooking, and other. Please sign up in the Narthex or call Dennis at 224-6347 or complete a Rent-A-Worker form and drop it off at the church office.
Forever Young Thanksgiving Meal (Nov 18)
All retired, kinda-retired, and tried-to-retire folks, please join us for a noon meal on Thursday, Nov 18. We will have all of the Thanksgiving foods. You may bring something delicious to share with the group.
Look Ahead to Christmas
Yes, it's coming, eventually. We'll have lots of opportunities to hear about the birth of our Savior and the hope that he gives us.
Wednesday nights at 7:00PM (starting Dec 1)
Christmas Eve services at 3:00PM, 5:00PM, and 7:30PM
Day after Christmas at 8:30AM and 11:00AM
Categories: Weekly News