This Week in Faith - Oct 18
Monday, October 18, 2021
Events this week:
6:30PM - Christ Care
10:30AM - Women's Bible study
7:30PM - Choir
6:00PM - Midweek and Adult Bible Study
7:00PM - Chapel
7:30 - High school Bible study
8:00PM - High School youth group
12:00PM - Forever Young lunch
7:00PM - LWML Rebekah Circle meeting
3:00-6:00PM - Harvest Festival
8:30AM - Worship
9:45AM - Bible study and Sunday School
11:00AM - Worship with communion
Daily Devotions
Hear about Jesus during the week. Pastor Sam provides devotional thoughts throughout the week. Visit our Facebook or YouTube page.
Little Caesar's Pizza Pickup
If you ordered Little Caesar's during the Daycare fundraiser, you can pick up your pizza order tomorrow (Oct 19) at 5:30PM in the fellowship hall.
Forever Young Meal
All retired or semi-retired folks are invited to a lunch on Oct 21 starting at 12:00PM. You may bring a dish to share with others. Join us for this time of food and fellowship.
Harvest Festival
Our annual harvest festival will be Oct 23 from 3:00-6:00PM. Please consider volunteering to help in this great outreach in our community. Contact Kelly VanDeWiele at 280-0468 if you are interested in serving.
Trunk N Treat
Please help us share candy and Jesus with kids in our community. We are looking for trunks and bags of candy. You can drop off candy in the church office. Please decorate your trunk for this event on Oct 31 from 5:00-6:30PM.
Categories: Weekly News