Sunday Morning Worship - 3/4/2018

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Perhaps it was as David gazed into the sky with a sense of wonder and awe that the Holy Spirit inspired him to write the words of today’s Psalm, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork” (Psalm 19:1). When we turn our eyes heavenward and see the brightness of the sun, the glow of the moon, or the multitude of stars, we can sense that there is more than meets the eye. Creation reveals that a Creator must be behind this wonderment! God’s Word shows us that creation bears witness to the triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. David is right, “the heavens declare the glory of God.”

Please join us for Sunday worship at 8:20 AM or 11:00 AM.  Pastor Cory J. Rajek's message is titled “In the Presence of God” based on John 2:13-22.

Sunday's bulletin can be found at this Bulletins Link.


Serving Jesus Christ Now and Always

Sunday, February 25, 2018
Sunday, Feb 25, 2018 Sermon by Pastor Joshua Baumann
  • "Serving Jesus Christ Now and Always" (Joshua 24:14-15)
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Sunday Morning Worship - 2/25/2018

Saturday, February 24, 2018

When it comes to human love, it’s fair to say that it comes in different degrees. For instance, even with just a little love for someone, you might be willing to help carry some groceries or get their mail while they’re out of town. But if you have a greater love for someone, you might be open to caring for them when they’re sick or helping them move into a new home. The greatest demonstration of love, however, is to lay down your life for someone else. There’s no greater sacrifice one can make for another. And yet, that’s exactly what Jesus did for us, even though so often we are unloving and unlovable people. “But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

Please join us for Sunday worship at 8:20 AM or 11:00 AM.  Pastor Joshua Baumann's message is titled ““Serving Jesus Christ Now and Always” ” based on Joshua 24:14-15.

Sunday's bulletin can be found at this Bulletins Link.


The Lord Will Provide

Sunday, February 18, 2018
Sunday, Feb 18, 2018 Sermon by Pastor Cory J Rajek
  • "The Lord Will Provide" (Gen. 22:1-18)
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Sunday Morning Worship - 2/18/2018

Saturday, February 17, 2018

“Here am I.” This is the simple, yet faith-filled, response of Abraham as the Lord calls him. Not knowing what the Lord will call him to do, but simply trusting the Word of the Lord, Abraham says, “Here am I.” As we look through the pages of Scripture those same three little words, “Here am I,” are echoed by others: Jacob, Moses, and Samuel—to name just a few. As people who the Lord has called in Baptism, may we also answer with the same faith-filled response, “Here am I!” We may not always know where God will lead, but we do know that the One who has called us will be with us as we follow where He guides.

Please join us for Sunday worship at 8:20 AM or 11:00 AM.  Pastor Cory J. Rajek's message is titled “The Lord Will Provide” based on Genesis 22:1-18.

Sunday's bulletin can be found at this Bulletins Link.


Jesus Only

Sunday, February 11, 2018
Sunday, Feb 11, 2018 Sermon by Pastor Joshua Baumann
  • "Jesus Only" (Mark 9:8)
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Sunday Morning Worship - 2/11/2018

Friday, February 9, 2018

This day ends the Epiphany season and prepares us for Lent. Jesus has been revealing His true nature through His words and actions, and on the Mount of Transfiguration three disciples see His glory revealed as transfiguring light. Moses and Elijah appear with Him, talking about His departure in Jerusalem. But our Lord then commands the disciples not to tell about the event until after Easter. Because we live after His resurrection, Paul writes in the Epistle, we recognize Jesus’ true glory in going to the cross for us, for God has “shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6).

Please join us for Sunday worship at 8:20 AM or 11:00 AM.  Pastor Joshua Bauman's message is titled “Jesus Only” based on Mark 9:8.

Sunday's bulletin can be found at this Bulletins Link.


The Main Thing

Sunday, February 4, 2018
Sunday, Feb 4, 2018 Sermon by Pastor Cory J Rajek
  • "The Main Thing" (Mark 1:29-30)
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This is God's Son, Listen to Him

Sunday, January 28, 2018
Sunday, Jan. 28, 2018 Sermon by Pastor Joshua Baumann
  • "This is God's Son, Listen to Him" (St Mark 1:26)
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Sunday Morning Worship - 1/28/2018

Thursday, January 25, 2018

When the Israelites were about to enter the Promised Land and Moses was about to die, he announced that the Lord had promised another prophet to follow him. While the people saw Joshua as that prophet, centuries later, Jesus was the complete fulfillment of the prophecy. When He spoke, all creation—including unclean spirits—obeyed, to the amazement of the people in today’s Holy Gospel. Unfortunately, as Paul reminds us in the Epistle, we do not always hear a clear command from our Lord as we deal with one another. But Jesus’ sacrifice for us frees us to put our neighbor’s needs above our own.

Please join us for Sunday worship at 8:20 AM or 11:00 AM.  Pastor Joshua Bauman's message is titled “This is God's Son, Listen to Him” based on St. Mark 1:26.

Sunday's bulletin can be found at this Bulletins Link.

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